sentio hero


Reportages about displacement
31. 01. – 21. 02. 2025
Vernissage: Thu, 30.01., 07 pm 

Panel discussion ‘What to do against housing shortage and displacement?’: Wednesday, 05 February, 7 p.m.


How is Berlin changing? Which people are affected by displacement? How is coexistence in neighbourhoods changing? Which shops and initiatives are about to disappear? Who is making money from this? What does protest against gentrification look like? The photographic narratives invite you on a visual journey through a Berlin in transition. The exhibition is the final project of the photo class in reportage photography led by photojournalist Ann-Christine Jansson.

A catalogue will be published for the exhibition, and the Rattenchor will sing at the vernissage.


Führungen durch die Ausstellung: Samstag, 08. 02., 15 Uhr                                                  Samstag, 15. 02., 15 Uhr


Participating photographers:

Rick Andersson: ImmateriellesKulturerbe Friedhofskultur
Britta Brugger:Kampf um das Tuntenhaus
Michael Eun: Eine Weddinger Straße imWandel
Karoline Kickler:Money coalitions
Vanessa KleinwächterHundeelend
Ingrid Munkhammar: Das Verschwinden
Iris Richter: Move to stay
Tom Sauer: Hafenplatz schwebt
Julia Tomalka:Names and Numbers
Peter Ulrich: Paradise lost

FOTOGALERIE Friedrichshain
Helsingforser Platz 1
10243 Berlin

Tel +49 30 296 16 84

Opening hours:

Tuesday – Saturday: 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Thursday: 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Free entrance

From 23. 01. to 30. 01. 25 the FOTOGALERIE will be closed for renovation.

Vernissage of the next exhibition on Thursday, 30 January, 7 pm.

zum kultur.txt – Magazin des Kulturring in Berlin e. V.

